Bitter Sweet (CD)
Libby Tidley 3rd EP Bitter Sweet
Libby Tidley's 3rd EP Bitter Sweet featuring the hit single Coffee & Toothpaste!
Produced by Jake Aspey and Libby Tidley Engineered by Jake Aspey Mixed & Mastered by Jake Aspey Recorded at WNJCR HQ
Welcome To The Family Guitar & Vocals: Libby Tidley Programming, Bass: Jake Aspey
Blue Haired Boy Guitar & Vocals: Libby Tidley Piano: Aislin Evans, Libby Tidley Drums: Will Priddis Bass: Jake Aspey
A Tale I Can’t Tell Guitar Bass & Piano: Amelle Rose Vocals: Libby Tidley
Coffee and Toothpaste Ukulele & Main Vocal: Libby Tidley Bass: Jake Aspey Drums: Will Priddis Harmonies: Helena Cate, Mara Daniele Gang Vocals: Emi Salida, Lucas Johnston, Cal Jones, Jake Edwards, Will Priddis
Muddy Toes Piano: Ewan Morris Guitar & Vocal: Libby Tidley Bass: Jake Aspey
With Enough Time Guitar & Vocals: Libby Tidley
Art by Jake Aspey